“True wisdom starts with a heart, full of health, and not with a head, full of facts”.
The special aim of the C.I.C. is to take full part in the life and ministry of the Church by devoting themselves heart and soul to provide catechetical instruction to girls and boys in schools and young women in parishes and to help them grow into mature men and women of deep Christian faith, to visit non-Christians with a view to proclaim the goodnews ,to help the parish priests in preparing the faithful to receive the sacraments.
Welcome to Congregation of Immaculate Conception (CIC)
Our Congregation of the Immaculate conception was born in a small village of Panjampatti, about 20 kms from Dindigul. But today its members are spread and the carry out the apostolate in the length and breadth of Tamilnadu and in North India, in Zambia in South Africa and in Italy crossing, Srilanka crossing oceans. The Genesis and the Growth of the Congregation Nunc at turpis quis augue interdum aliquam et vitae magna. Maecenas augue quam, placerat ac dolor ac, hendrerit condimentum purus. Ut convallis mauris sed molestie ultricies…
Congregation of the Immaculate Conception